Almost Kardashian



Stacy Leigh has dolls | Kardashian dolls.

Stacy Leigh has a knack for dolls. Already as a youngster she photographed her Barbie dolls in scenes she created from her meager surroundings. In 2005 she began to research about “Real Dolls” as a sitting model and soon delved into the relation between humans and dolls.

I wanted to show the dolls the way the men who loved them saw them. I wanted to humanize the dolls. Because as far as I can tell, more people are feeling the pinch of technology and turning to surrogate relationships. Love dolls are the crude beginnings of robots, and something that looks so alive can trick the mind. Add artificial intelligence… and you see where I’m going with this.

One year after the arrival of the first doll, Stacy began working on a series with them called, Average Americans, followed by the series 2 Weeks and 37 Hours and Hers.
Stacy runs a tumblr that she constantly updates with new images from her work, not only with dolls. There she posted these images from her latest model, a boytoy doll with gel ass implants that she fittingly described as “almost a Kardashian”.


Stacy Leigh is exclusively represented by Castor Gallery, New York.