Beautiful | Jessica Rox by Brigham Field

Jessica Rox, nude and beautiful in a fine nude folio by Brigham Field for x-art.

Jessica Rox | A beautiful girl at a beautiful place.

Sometimes, a photographer just has to let his lens and a stunning model express themselves. Jessica is a sublimely beautiful and effortlessly sexual young woman. Watch as she slips into something more comfortable (her naked body) and glories in being the young woman that she is. Her eyes. Her lips. Her flat stomach and the curve of her beautiful back. The perky breasts. Those legs. Her firm, sexy as hell ass. The lips of her flowering pussy. Will she touch herself? Will she have an orgasm? Sometimes it doesn’t matter. We just want to watch.
Brigham Field

Brigham Field, the founder and creative force of X-Art, created this eye-catching set of  Jessica Rox, (a.k.a. Leony April) in his signature style, snazzy and edgy at once. Truely a snadgy piece of work that remains classy in color as in black and white. “A Beautiful Place” brings you  beautiful images of a beautiful girl doing beautiful things in a beautiful place. Beautiful.

x-art beautiful erotica



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