Through the looking glass | Pavel Cazenove

Daniella, 2012 from the series
Daniella, 2012 Série des « Versos », (2012-2013) Installation à l’étage du Beffroi, 57e Salon de Montrouge Sérigraphie numérique sur miroir inox poli, 130 x 80 cm

Daniella by Pavel Cazenove may, due to the limits of the two dimensional screen, look like your average me-and-my-model-selfie. In fact this clever work is a photograph of the lady only, printed on a mirror of polished stainless steel. As a result, the beholder appears behind the beauty, trapped in the looking glass. A voyeur, unable to see the object of desire. Instead it is him who becomes observed by the image.

Sometimes they look back.

Pavel Cazenove via indie