I love All Ways, and Always | Her by Her.
The perfect loves the impossible is Her “escape pod from the world”, that is Her tumblr where she posts a delicate selection of smut for those with discerning taste, spiced with very sensual self-portraits. Her images of Her (her nome de plume) come in many different styles, with two things in common, a distinctive feeling for composition, paired with pure carnal lust.
Her quote
I want a soft curvy woman
with silver dollar nipples
and an ass
as round as a peach.
is in fact a perfect, written self-portrait and she celebrates her beautiful booty and breasts in many of her photographs. Beside Her selection of herself she is also the purveyor of neatly selected naughty pictures of gloriously beautiful women, gay porn, sucking girls and everything else in a polysexual universe. It is impossible not to love The perfect loves the impossible.

All images by Her