VirtualRealPassion, the first site dedicated to VR Porn for Women.
Two trending niches in the world of pornography are female-friendly productions and virtual reality porn, films that are especially created for VR headsets. Leading VR porn company, VirtualRealPorn, brings these trends together with a new site, VirtualRealPassion.
The definition of what porn for women exactly means might be tricky but in the world of VR porn it is literally a point of view. Most VR videos are 180º, sometimes 360º, recordings shot in POV style, giving you the impression to be the center of attention. So far only very few of these videos have been created from a woman’s point of view. The new productions from VirtualRealPassion turn the tables, meaning your viewpoint is positioned from the woman’s perspective.
The most teasing (and scary) aspect of VR is that you not only watch the scene, but also experience the sensation of being there. Since you can move and see from different angles you’ll receive a much greater sense of presence and immersion. To have the chance to enjoy such a virtual reality from a female point of view should go without saying. Finally the core concept of VR is to enter an alternate reality and a female POV might be as teasing for boys as girls may enjoy the male gaze.

If you already have an Oculus Rift, a Samsung Galaxy Gear, Playstation VR or even a low cost piece of Google Cardboard and a mid-range Android phone, you can experience VirtualRealPassion yourself. In fact you can even get an impression without any headset. Just play a video on your smartphone and look around the scene by moving the phone around.
Since the videos are 180º and have head tracking features, you can look around and pretend you’re there. While at first it may be slightly disorienting to be able to look around the scene, you will quickly become accustomed to it. It is an experience unlike anything you have experienced before and will let you experience your fantasies in ways you never thought possible. VirtualRealPassion
Synchronize the virtual pleasures with your real world sex toys.
Teledildonics (Internet-connected sex toys) are there to make the experience even more stimulating. VirtualReaPassion’s videos can be synchronized with toys like the Kiiroo “Pearl” vibrator. The vibrator will respond to the touch of a performer and match its vibration to the speed of the action. The perfect way to make the whole experience totally immersive.
Curious? Visit VirtualRealPassion where you can sneak into the eyes of many girls. To get an even better impression go to the mothership of the Virtual Real network to download a full free VR video.
VirtualRealPassion | Experience the porn of the future.